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Move from Legacy
to the New

Legacy System Migration


The reasons businesses look to migrate include security, productivity, maintenance, support, upgrades, uptime, and business continuity. For a successful implementation, the team must include data migration in their critical path. iBridge understands the pitfalls and best practices involved in the legacy system transformation, and provides comprehensive tools and resources to help, without interrupting your business.

Application architecture and implementation

Migration is complex and requires forethought, planning, and time. To begin application migration the team must consider maintaining the efficacy of the original business intent while transforming the application and the data flow from one module to the next. This requires re-thinking system architecture and a thorough implementation plan to ensure there is no disruption to business.

Data migration

The objective of data migration is to improve corporate performance and deliver a competitive advantage. Operational process consolidations or integrating new business lines during migration requires SQL imports, importing text, data files, spreadsheets, scanned images, and paper documents. Engaging a data scientist during design may alter how we prep and manage data migration.

Utilize software packages to aid migration process

Data migrations are bound to have dissimilarities between the original and target environment. Selection of the right tools or development of custom migration utility programs to aid the migration process ensures automation while maintaining system integrity.

Adaptors/interfaces to extend system features

Operational process consolidations or process additions reveal the need for newer interfaces, functionalities, and feature developments in conjunction with the adoption of data analytics and business intelligence dashboards.

Extract services from legacy application to a modern platform

Legacy code modernization is often laborious and involves extraction of services for re-assessment of the functional needs. These legacy systems are often business critical and cannot afford downtime risk. Therefore, incremental deployments of new code for each process or module must consider user acceptance during the migration lifecycle.

Allow us to help you with your legacy system migration!

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